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Case study

TripBuzz is the example of startup which has been developed over the last few years by our team.
The app makes sightseeing across States easier categorizing the attractions according to the distance and activity type.

gif image showing the screens from TripBuzz application

Our role

The service grows organically, it started from MVP and is based on LEAN approach.

Our role so far has been to choose the best tools, design software architecture, implement both backened and frontend, adjust it to changes the owners wanted to introduce, suggest best technical solutions for each new idea, monitor the app running with huge traffic.


  • 2015

    We created background workers which helped with processing big amounts of geo data.
    New feature for adding user feedback to sightseeing attractions was developed.

  • 2014

    Voting system for attractions, thematic pages templates, hotel search functionality were added.
    We introduced individual attraction pages and mobile version of thematic pages.

  • 2013

    We designed software architecture and implemented the first version of TripBuzz.


TripBuzz relies on geographical data and uses them to a great extent. The algorithm has been implemented to connect data from the rating system with geo data. This allowed us to provide the best attractions for the given location in the search results.

A sophisticated caching system has been implemented to maintain speed of the search engine with the growing userbase. In order to build the cache we've developed a set of background workers which update the cached data continuously.

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